Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Process

So in February we decided to start thinking about purchasing a house. We were pre-approved by the bank that month and by March we had found a real estate agent who is great! We found the first home that we liked, and after following our real estate agent's advice to have the garage tested for mold,then soon found out it indeed did have mold :( . So again, our search began continued. In April we finally (well what seemed like finally to my impatient self) found a house that seemed promising, so we went ahead with it. We did some back and forth with the negotiations and finally came to an agreement. The came the (dun dun dun) INSPECTION! Well turns out there was water in the basement and our promising home suddenly seemed not so promising. Water in home=BIG problem. We hired someone to go take a look at the home and found 3 foundation cracks, which is bad news. However, we FINALLY, (and I actually do mean finally this time) negotiated a deal which resulted in the seller paying for the repairs. So we are now on track to buying this home, and our closing date is June 1st. I promise my next posts will be much more interesting, but this was kind of the low down on my personal hell for the last 3 months (exaggerating, it wasn't really that bad just a bit stressful). The next posts will contain pics and projects that I do to make this home mine ours!