Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's been forever I know! I have finished one of the guest rooms, the Parisian inspired room. At least finished for now. I'd like to get an armoire for that room, or a nice piece of furniture. I'll know when I see it. Now I'd like to start focusing on the other two bedrooms, the master and second guest room. I like the idea of putting many mirrors in a room to create a larger space, like this... For the second guest room I want to do a mural on the wall, or rather have my aunt do a mural on the wall, I've been coming up with a few ideas, I like the idea of doing almost a window into a landscape like the second picture on this website. Let me know what you guys think, I definitely am up for suggestions. I will put more pictures up soon. I have yet to find a adapter for my computer to use with my camera. I may be able to put some more pictures up on Wednesday, but for now any suggestions are appreciated!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More Pictures

I have some more pictures! Here is a picture of a painting I bought at Poor Man's Art Gallery in St. Charles. They had a good selection of painting, and I got this large painting for only $96 with their 40% discount. I struggled to find something I really liked and jumped on the opportunity to buy this abstract. It was a good size and I really liked the colors used in the painting.

I also have nearly finished the guest room. I definitely have enough art in there. The only thing I would really like to find an inexpensive piece of furniture for that room and refinish it to go with the room. I'll be referring to Craigslist for that. But here are some pictures of what I've done so far.

I also purchased the 3 smaller paintings at Poor Man's Art Gallery. The prices made them irresistible, even though I had enough art for that room anyway!

My friend Kristin and I put together a rack to hang pots and pans tonight. What a task! I thought it was going to be really easy, but it was definitely not as easy as I was assuming it would be. I can say I am becoming quite proficient with a drill within the last week. Here is a picture of the rack for the pots and pans, not very exciting, but I am patting Kristin and I on the back for the accomplishment.