Monday, November 21, 2011


So I'm hosting Thanksgiving for the first time "dun dun dunnnn." I guess that kind of gives my overall feeling about it. The thought of cooking a turkey 1. Grosses me out and 2. Makes me nervous I'm going to take the thing out and it's still going to be frozen. But, aside from my fear, I'm excited to have my family over and see everyone. So here is my menu as of now, but things could/might change depending on how I see fit.


Cream Cheese Spread With Crackers

Greenbean Casserole

Butternut Bisque

Spinach Puff Pastry

My Grandma's Apple Pie

I may revise (add/remove) things, but whatever I make I will definitely take pictures of. Hopefully it goes better than what I'm seeing in my head!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Round 1

So round one of organizing went fairly well. I concentrated mostly on storage areas such as the linen closet in the hallway and the under the sink storage. I bought these cute baskets at Deal$. They look like this:

The best part is that they were $1. I love the dollar store. The amount of things I can buy for $1 is almost a little overwhelming.

I used these baskets first to clean up my mess of a linen closet. I am not exaggerating here. ***Disclaimer- I am messy.


I put things that we don't use as much such as light bulbs and bug spray up higher so it isn't taking room up that would be put to better use. I tried to group like items together so I know where things basically are, such as my bars for my Scentsy, toiletries, dog things, etc. It's worked out great so far. I love the feeling that everything has it's place. Now it's just about keeping it there.