Monday, September 19, 2011

This isn't just about the house anymore...

So in effort to stop eating out so much, I am going to make larger quantities of meals to guarantee leftovers. I've never been one to brown bag it so to speak so this will be interesting. It would be much easier if I were not so picky tasteful. So I'm going to make lasagna tomorrow night, but since I am done for the day at 3:15 (which is the only day of the week I'm done before 7) I am also going to attack this soup to freeze for lunches. It seems like there are many parts but I like to chop veggies so what the heck. In other news, this weekend is craft weekend. So I'm excited to see what projects I end up finishing. To see projects I plan to do/like check out this link. So hopefully, tomorrow I will have some soup pictures for all of my millions, I mean 3 readers out there. Enjoy.

PS I've made a new pact with myself that I am going to post one post per week (minimum). Now since I only have myself to keep myself accountable, we will see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I can't wait to see how your soup turns out! :)

    And posting more frequently gets easier! :)
